Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chain of Love

My daughter posted this on her blog and I participated with the promise that I would keep the chain going. So here it goes...

The first five people to comment on this post will get something in the mail from me. My daughter promised something homemade so I'll make the same promise.

The catch is that if you are one of the five to comment, you have to make a similar post on your blog. This keeps us all busy and thinking of others for a while. A chain of LOVE connecting blog after blog! Hope you can participate.

I'm glad there are no deadlines established for this little experiment -- I already have a busy summer planned! And I am obviously a procrastinating blogger.

1 comment:

Emma and Dan said...

Yes, I would like to order one blessing suit, one adorable sailor's outfit and a pretty pink dress for Elena. :)
Thank you so much for everything that you do for us! People are seriously missing out because you are so talented and amazing when it comes to all things crafty!