Monday, November 24, 2008


Things have been interesting around here. In one week we had snow flurries, torrential rain and 70 degree weather. Virginia Beach is really a beautiful place to live. Despite the changeable temperature, the changing of the leaves has been lovely. Regular gas is 1.559 at my favorite station.

This Sunday there was some confusion over what lesson was due in Relief Society. You know, the old "fourth Sunday vs. last Sunday" dilemma. Our teacher didn't come, so with no advance notice my counselor and I team taught the lesson. It went quite well. The assigned conference talk was President Monson's address, "Finding Joy in the Journey." This is a great talk filled with quotes, stories, scriptures and reminiscences.

At one point, Denice, my education counselor, began to read the following story:

In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, Church member Jay Hess, an airman, was shot down over North Vietnam. For two years his family had no idea whether he was dead or alive. His captors in Hanoi eventually allowed him to write home but limited his message to less than 25 words. What would you and I say to our families if we were in the same situation—not having seen them for over two years and not knowing if we would ever see them again? Wanting to provide something his family could recognize as having come from him and also wanting to give them valuable counsel, Brother Hess wrote—and I quote: “These things are important: temple marriage, mission, college. Press on, set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year."

While she was reading the story, I had the other counselor, Lisa, go out to the RS closet just outside the door of the room and get pencils and index cards. I asked the sisters to write the most important things they could think of to tell their families in 25 words or less.

Keep in mind that we had no preparation time for our little messages; it was all spur of the moment. But I wanted to share with you what I wrote:

Love each other
Keep in touch
Cherish the children
Watch the sunsets
Laugh out loud until milk comes out of your nose
Bake Christmas cookies

I guess I should have put something in there about the Gospel, staying strong in the church, etc. Instead I just focused on love and our family unit, with its little quirks. I love you all! This holiday season is going to be fantastic!

1 comment:

Emma and Dan said...

I love the last line. That is one of the most important things!